Dupont’s lark

A small, very shy bird that lives in steppe areas and whose population is declining.

Great spotted cuckoo

A scarce summer visitor, larger and more slender than the common cuckoo, it lays its eggs in corvid nests.

Montagu’s harrier

A summer visitor to cereal fields, with a greyish colour and a very slender shape.

Som Aguait

This organisation promotes conservation, research, awareness-raising and responsible tourism. It offers several hides where photographers can observe birds of prey (in Torrebesses), the black wheatear (in Batea, Les Terres de l’Ebre), sparrowhawks (also in Batea) or aquatic birds (in Flix), as well as photography safaris in the Ebro Delta and the Secans de Lleida drylands.

Sikarra Nostra

Sikarra Nostra provides guided excursions in Les Terres de Ponent to learn about the natural heritage and landscape of the Central Plateau. Activities include bird watching and identifying species from their songs, as well as experiences to discover the secrets of the fascinating world of insects.

Projecte Oenanthe

The aim of this project, led by the Espais Naturals de Ponent association, is to convert old dry stone huts and shelters into observatories for wildlife, especially birds. So far, two structures have been restored with new viewing windows, one in Castellserà and the other in Preixana. Preserving cultural heritage through birdwatching tourism.

Photo Logístics

Company specialising in wildlife tourism and photography. It has access to a wide range of photographers’ hides to observe all kinds of species in the Pyrenees, Pre-Pyrenees, the Lleida drylands area and the Ebro Delta. The company also organises photographic safaris, birding days and wildlife tourism events.

Lo pagès del Montsec

This feeding station for birds of prey located in Tartareu has two fully-equipped and well-camouflaged hides from which birdwatchers can closely observe and photograph the main species of scavengers. The purpose of the feeding station is to protect, promote and exploit wildlife, and to preserve their ecosystems.

La torre del Codina

This ecological and self-sufficient rural tourism lodge has a hide for watching and photographing the birds that stop to drink at a nearby pond. The birdwatching experience also includes a talk on the Torre del Codina project on the history and nature of the region.

Hides del Gregal

On the edge of the Mas de Melons Nature Reserve, in the municipality of Castelldans, these two hides managed by Pau and Tània allow you to observe and photograph birds such as the European roller, Western black-eared wheatear, greenfinches, shrikes and doves. One hide overlooks a drinking trough and the other is linked to a […]